Triumph Elm

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  • Regular price $40.00

(Ulmus ‘Morton Glossy’)

This fast-growing Dutch Elm Disease-resistant elm is a sturdy and reliable shade tree. The Triumph is a cultivar variety that is noted for its dark green, glossy leaves, and vase-shaped symmetrical form. Very adaptable to a variety of soil types and conditions. Makes an excellent replacement tree for ash. Regular wintertime pruning is important with this fast grower. Nice yellow fall color.

Height and width at maturity: 60' x 40'

Sun or shade: full sun 

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Fall color: Vibrant yellow/gold

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): high

Ash replacement? Yes!

For more information, visit Morton Arboretum Species Profile – Triumph Elm

Photo credits: Arbor Valley Nursery, Wasco Nursery