Sentry Linden

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  • Regular price $40.00

(Tilia americana 'McKSentry')

'Sentry' Linden is a fast-growing and long-lived tree, with symmetrical branches that form a pyramidal crown and create dense shade. Diverse pollinators feed on its nectar and pollen, and the leaves are an important food source for caterpillars of at least 100 butterfly and moth species. Warblers and other songbirds feed on the caterpillars and other insects in the foliage and bark; birds and small mammals make their nests in the Linden's nooks. If you are wanting to see some thriving wildlife from your window, the Linden would make a great addition to your yard.

Plant on the east or west side of your home for maximum energy benefit.   

Height and width at maturity: 45' x 30’

Sun or shade: full sun to light shade 

Soil conditions:  best in moist, well-drained sites

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Seasonal Interest: fragrant, yellowish flower clusters; bunches of pea-sized fruit; yellow-green autumn foliage.

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate to low

Ash replacement? Yes!

For more information, visit Bachman's Plant Library.    

Photo credits: McKay Nursery, Cashman Nursery