(Aesculus 'Autumn Splendor')
A handsome medium-sized tree perfect for your yard. Autumn Splendor Buckeye has showy creamy white flowers in the springtime and unique spiky nuts in the fall! This tree is adaptable to many urban conditions and can thrive where some other can't. Autumn Splendor is an improved Buckeye, with attractive dark green foliage, splendid fall color, and a rounded crown.
Height and width at maturity: 35’ x 30’
Sun or shade: full sun to partial shade
Soil conditions: wide range
Moisture tolerance: adaptable
Fall color: red-orange
Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate
Ash replacement? No, medium stature tree!
For more information, visit Bachman's Plant Library.
Photo credits: Gertens, Wasco Nursery